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I'm not even going to comment on this:

Eric Bennett / [email protected] / [email protected] / www.pobox.com/~ericb
Cornell University, Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology

Al  :   "A zebra doesn't change its spots."
Gore:   "My mother always made it clear to my sister and me that women
	      and men were equal - if not more so."

George: "If you're sick and tired of the politics of cynicism, polls, and
Bush  :   principles, come join this campaign."
         "Rarely is the question asked, Is our children learning?"
         "[I will] use our technology to enhance uncertainty abroad."
         "[I will] be a president who hails success as well as failure."
         "I will have a foreign-handed policy."
         "The people who care more about that land, are the hardworking
           farmers and ranchers of your part of the state of Washington D.C."
         "The benefits of helping somebody is beneficial."
         "It's going to require a president who understands it's in 
our strategic
           interests to have a peaceful and economically vile hemisphere."

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